Can I present my SEMI-THERM 36 paper at a different conference?

Papers that were scheduled to be presented at SEMI-THERM 36 can be presented at other conferences if the author chooses to do so. However, authors need to keep in mind that SEMI-THERM has the copyright for their written papers, so they cannot be submitted verbatim as a paper for another conference. The general rule-of-thumb is [...]

By |2020-06-26T23:00:05+00:00June 26th, 2020||Comments Off on Can I present my SEMI-THERM 36 paper at a different conference?

Am I required to submit a paper for SEMI-THERM 37?

If a paper was accepted for SEMI-THERM 36, the paper is unchanged, and the author plans on presenting this paper at SEMI-THERM 37, they must submit the paper for SEMI-THERM 37. This is to give the program committee an indication that the paper was already accepted and that an author plans on making a presentation [...]

By |2020-06-26T22:57:27+00:00June 26th, 2020||Comments Off on Am I required to submit a paper for SEMI-THERM 37?

Must I make a presentation at SEMI-THERM 37?

While we hope that all presentations that were scheduled for SEMI-THERM 36 can be made at SEMI-THERM 37 in 2021, we recognize that authors may not be able to commit to attending the conference. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at SEMI-THERM 36 are not required to make a presentation at SEMI-THERM 37 but are [...]

By |2020-06-26T22:52:36+00:00June 26th, 2020||Comments Off on Must I make a presentation at SEMI-THERM 37?

What if I was going to give a presentation-only (no paper) at SEMI-THERM 36?

Presentation-only presentations scheduled for SEMI-THERM 36 are not automatically accepted for SEMI-THERM 37. Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract for SEMI-THERM 37 and it is expected that most of these presentations will be accepted by the program committee.

By |2020-06-26T22:51:34+00:00June 26th, 2020||Comments Off on What if I was going to give a presentation-only (no paper) at SEMI-THERM 36?

Will my SEMI-THERM 36 paper be published?

Yes, all papers (peer reviewed and not peer reviewed) accepted for SEMI-THERM 36 will be available through IEEExplore and the SEMI-THERM database. These will be accessible in late June 2020.

By |2020-06-26T22:49:26+00:00June 26th, 2020||Comments Off on Will my SEMI-THERM 36 paper be published?
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