SEMI-THERM Annual Awards

Thermal Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement Award

2016 – Bob Simons, IBM (retired)
2017 – Robert Moffat, Stanford University (Emeritus)
2018 – Bernie Siegal, Thermal Engineering Associates
2019 – Márta Rencz, Mentor
2020 – Dereje Agonafer, University of Texas at Arlington
2022 – David Saums, DS&A LLC.
2023 – Dr. Alfonso Ortega, Villanova University
2024 – Bonnie Crystal & Walter Schuch

Past Winners of the THERMI Award

1991 – Robert Moffat, Stanford University (Emeritus)
1993 – Bernie Siegal, Thermal Engineering Associates
1994 – Allan Kraus, Naval Postgraduate School
1995 – Bob Simons, IBM
1996 – Gordon Ellison, Thermal Computations, Inc.
1997 – Avram Bar-Cohen, Univ. of Minnesota (now, U. Maryland)
1998 – Harvey Rosten*, Flomerics
1999 – Richard Chu, IBM
2000 – Kaveh Azar, Lucent Technologies
2001 – Clemens J. M. Lasance, Philips Research Labs
2002 – Al Ortega, University of Arizona
2003 – Micahel M. Yovanovich, University of Waterloo
2004 – Roger R. Schmidt, IBM
2005 – Thomas S. Tarter, Neophotonics
2006 – Wataru Nakayama, ThermTech International
2007 – David L. Blackburn, NIST
2008 – Dereje Agonafer, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Visiting Professor, MIT
2009 – Yogendra Joshi, School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
2010 – Bruce Guenin, Sun Microsystems
2011 – James S. Wilson, Raytheon
2012 – Dr. Bahgat G. Sammakia
2013 – Kenneth E. Goodson, PhD
2014 – Ali Shakouri, PhD
2015 – Christian Belady, General Manager, Data Center Services Microsoft Global Foundation Services
2016 – Dr. Ravi-Mahajan, Intel
2017 – Chandrakant D. Patel, HP Senior Fellow and Chief Engineer, HP Inc
2018 – Dr. Bruno Michel, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
2019 – Dr. Peter Raad, Southern Methodist University
2020 – Ross Wilcoxon, Collins Aerospace
2022 – Dr. Sreekant Narumanchi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2023 – Dr. Veerendra Mulay, Meta
2024 – Wendy Luiten